This article is about talking about some crypto-currencies, not all, who to watch after this stage of the Ethereum network update shanghai which has taken place since April 12th. But before talking about it we need make sure we understand staking correctly. Let's go back to what is the staking? How does it work ? How to stake? And finally where to staking? It is from the understanding of staking that we will grasp why these few cryptocurrencies we are going to talk about are so important they should definitely be monitored in the future. The energy-saving mechanism energy, very easy to access and which allows you to earn money thanks to your cryptocurrencies. Well this mechanism is called staking. What is staking? Staking is placing your crypto-currencies under a smart contract to participate in operations that take place on a blockchain. Staking presents similarities to mining because it rewards users who participate in mining. safe placement in a decentralized network. In short, staking is store your crypto-currencies safely and be able to benefit from the benefits too. To do a staking you have to sort platforms. Staking becomes more and more popular and therefore the risk of scams is quite large since many platforms are full of promises of profits. Our Experts offer us two safe platforms in which you can make your safe stakings. It's ZenGo and Binance. The Shanghai update will increase the number of validators of their ETH by staking. This enthusiasm of new or old validators will have as consequence the popularization of Liquidity Staking protocols. Liquid staking therefore allows you to receive an amount of tokens equivalent to the amount of liquidity locked in a staking. It becomes much more easy to use your crypto even if it is blocked for a while by the proof-of-stake protocol. This means that even still in the old system the liquid staking method makes it possible to recover its tokens. Awesome SO ! In addition, the validators, especially the old ones, will want to redeposit their ETH in staking. In addition to providing security on the blockchain and making more fast transactions, this also offers them the possibility of generating a quite interesting profit of about 4 to 5%. So there are a lot of solutions available to users. The simplest and obvious is to follow the normal and ordinary process of staking, which will consist of creating your own validation node by depositing a minimum of 32 ETH on the blockchain. So like many users, holders of ETH often do not have the funds or technical expertise for this option although more simple and obvious, then the other solution available to them is to turn to Liquidity Staking, liquid staking. The most famous cryptocurrencies of liquid staking and that you will have to follow after the launch of shanghai are Lido, Rocket Pool and still Frax Finance. They have many advantages, including the removal of the barrier staking entry technique on Ethereum. In addition and above all they allow solutions to the problem of liquidity of stored tokens. In principle if ethers are staked, they can no longer be used because cash is not available at this time of staking. But when placing 1ETH on a protocol liquid staking like Lido for example, we receive in return an equivalent token to 1ETH. The token in question specifies that we have 1ETH in staking but it can also and above all be used in different decentralized applications. LDO, RPL and FRX cryptocurrencies have significant potential in the operation of the Ethereum network. As of today locked ethers represent 14% who contribute to the operation of the network, which is much less than other blockchains. So certain elements prevent users to engage in staking and it is above all the fear that their tokens stored cannot be retrieved. This problem, as we know, will be solved by Shanghai. With Shanghai there is reason to expect with certainty that the number of users placing their ethers in staking will then increase significantly. And in more if they can stake and keep tokens thanks to staking protocols liquid, then there will be more barriers against staking. Liquid staking will be the popular solution for everyone. That is to say, in fact, that it is following the new Ether released, or users with less technical capabilities and who are looking for easy solutions to get profits on their ETH, while this will allow an increase in users in 2023.